A Spritual Journey

 ... of a young man's search for truth...

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When the "standard" answers to life's pressing questions don't work anymore....

Tales of the American Brahman

What is American Brahman...?

American Brahman is both a story and a concept that germinated a long time ago. Through the forces that be it appears now is the time to make it public. My story won't be believed by most, but my purpose is not to convert or convince anybody, but to give testimony for those who may be interested. For me, I continue to be fascinated and stand in awe of the the American experience. No matter what your personal political view of the United States may be, it has developed into a persona and grandeur hereto previously unknown in human history. However, even amidst the opulence and grandeur, I often feel that something is missing. Instead of being grateful that all my personal needs are easily met, I sulk about the inability of material aggrandizement and perpetual entertainment to make me truly happy. What good does it do to have all these wonderful things only to escape lasting happiness?

Is American pop culture through the ages guided by ancient wisdom?

Can we still achieve Spirituality while enjoying the fruits of Capitalism?

I guess I'm just a stubborn fool, or possibly a spoiled brat that continually whines until they get their way, but I honestly want to know what this life is all about.  That's not an unreasonable request to have is it? Looking back, I can see this is actually a good trait to have if it doesn't get out of control, but it is also not without its consequences. To sacrifice everything, to give up the "good life" for an outside, miniscule chance for success in finding something better is a daunting task.  But without that risk there is only the alternative, the alternative to living a hollow life, of fooling oneself into a empty reality. It appears natural to believe in something extra, that there's much more to be perceived beyond the senses. All cultures from antiquity seem to have it. Only in our modern cultures are we smart enough to deny the existence of God, or possibly be smart enough to devise techno-political systems that replace an obsolete God altogether. Well, there's plenty of people to testify that I'm not that smart, so I set out on a journey for something that only my soul knew what.

"The happiest people I know are the one's who derive their joy from serving others.  The unhappiest people I know are engrossed in self pity, constantly reminding others of how poorly they've been treated in life."

And then, when you least expect it .....

At times when it seems all is lost, when there's no bottom to the depths of despair, when there doesn't seem to be any possible solution, then somehow something happens, and this life doesn't seem so scary, and things don't seem so bad, and this life is but a trifle, and really not worth all the attention it gets. But never the less we live it anyway, and that's what my story is about. And as I said, you don't have to believe it, I wouldn't blame you if you didn't.  Even if you think it's a bunch of nonsense you might still enjoy it.  But for those who might believe, it could help you along.  It seems like everybody has to do things in their own way. (Which seems rather odd because even though there are so many billions of us we still have our little differences.) It's wonderful to partake of this world, but for me I found I also must rise above it to appreciate it.

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American:  "Of or relating to the United States of America or its people or language or culture"

Brahman:  "The holy or sacred power that is the source and sustainer of the universe" (Note: Brahman also refers to a fine breed of cattle, but that's a different story.)

The American Brahman: The account of The Spiritual Journey of a Young Man's Search for the Truth within the American Experience.